The Story Behind Do Not Be Dumb
I used to work in eSports. Some success was great, but in the end I failed more spectacularly. It took me 2 years and a lot of reflection to understand why the Start-ups I worked with and the one I founded failed.
My breakthrough got ignited by a stupid idea of mine:
Let’s check what the most successful people in the world (based on the Forbes List) have in common. Copy those traits and habits. They clearly know their shit.
They all read.
I got hit in the face by that. At that time I was an outgoing personality with an “I can conquer anything with my sheer IQ” mentality.
I haven’t read a single book since 9th grade and here I stood – 22 years old and not as smart as I wished to be.
Luckily I soon found “Poor Charlie’s Almanack”, my favorite book, that changed my life trajectory.
One of the basic lessons was: You don’t need to be smarter than everybody else, you just need to avoid the dumb mistakes.
For me that meant doing research. I started collecting the learnings and mistakes of many people.
In hindsight, I realized how dumb I was and most likely am today, when I look back the last years.
And now here it is!
You guessed it!
This is my collection of: do not be dumb mistakes, experiments, learnings, readings and stories.
Meet The Author
Experimenting. Learning. Building Momentum.
Anything I do can be described using these 3 words. That’s why I started this page. To share my Learnings, my style of constructing Experiments and to Build Momentum together with you.
My values are clear: Fairness, Passion and Development. Passion for supporting people and Fairness in showing what’s possible, but also what’s realistic. All under the overarching goal of Personal Development.
This contains:
Peak Performance is a play at knives edge. But Peak is not always necessary. When it is, I am the man to get you there faster and higher than you can imagine.
Constant improvement of yourself. To live healthier, be mentally more resilient or be less dumb. Comparing yourself to your past self and then building systems that will work in the long run.
I am a dedicated Coach, who honed his techniques and knowledge to bring YOU closer to YOUR goals.
All opinions stated are my own and do not represent any entity or company.
Created my logo at LogoMakr.com/app.